I’ve been where you are. I’ve been in a place where I needed guidance and needed answers. I wasn’t sure if they were actually out there or where to seek them. I felt nervous about seeing someone I didn’t know and investing money in something I wasn’t sure was going to help. I was scared of being judged and made to feel like what I was going through was my fault. I was scared of being told that I had to do A, B, and C. And that if I didn’t, I was a bad person and deserved what I was experiencing.

New mothers especially feel vulnerable, and I want you to know I understand that! My job is not to make being a new mother harder and more complicated. My job is to sit down and listen to YOU:

  • To understand your goals, your abilities, and needs and help you find a way to meet these.
  • To empower you with evidence based resources and information built upon my work with mothers for nearly a decade.
  • To investigate when things aren’t going as they should, and there seems to be no easy answer.
  • To guide you in coming up with a plan that works best for your family, changing the plan as needed, and finding the support you need to stay on track.
  • To reassure you that you are doing an incredible job and that parenting is hard for everyone, and the feelings you are having are normal.
  • To advocate for you when there are concerns that need further assistance from other professionals.

I424px-Magic_wand.svg don’t have a magic wand. I can’t guarantee I will fix everything, but I strive for excellence in my work. I do guarantee to provide some of the best support available. I am not the “breastfeeding police.” My goal is not to force women to breastfeed. My goal is to provide you with confidence in knowing you did everything possible to meet your breastfeeding goals (whatever they may be). I also desire to help you find more ways to enjoy parenting and to enjoy breastfeeding your baby. If you are struggling with breastfeeding, please contact me for a consultation. I promise, I am not scary!